This service determines the wind and sea conditions in a navigation area or a specific geographical position on a given date.

Our expert meteorologists study the situation using the data retrieved by buoys and semaphores, analysis maps and the various models they have at their disposal to give the most precise estimate of the past situation as they can. If applicable, the report indicates any specific meteorological phenomenon which may have happened, thunderstorm area, lightning impact, swell measurement...

It is mainly aimed at marine experts and insurers, however it may also be of interest to other professionals as well as private individuals having had difficulties during navigation or in a shipyard (damage, accident, shipwreck...).

Shipping reports are available for any location or navigation area in Europe or worldwide.

Rate: €250 excluding tax for one coastal area in Europe / €500 excluding tax for one coastal area outside Europe, Open sea area or High sea area.

Are you interested in the personalised services?
Contact our advisers on +33 1 39 28 00 28 or by email with all your questions.
Need help? Contact our commercial department on +33 1 39 28 19 90 from 8.00am to 6.00pm during the week, and from 8.00am to 12.00pm at weekends, including Sundays and Bank holidays in season.
* +33 1 77 86 86 86: short number of forecasts for France accessible from France - €2.99 per call** 0899 70 12 34: number of forecasts for France and the World accessible from France - €2.99 per call