Prepaid account

What is a prepaid account?

It’s a multilingual service that lets you consult by phone 10 days of marine weather forecast on spots, ports, Coastal and Offshore areas.
The service is accessible from France and abroad, by calling:

+33 1 77 86 86 86

Forecasts are updated every 3 hours and available in French, English, Italian, German and Spanish.

How do you subscribe to a prepaid account?

To access this service, you must be registered on the METEO CONSULT website; registration is free.
Your access codes to the phone service are available here.
Then you just have to credit your prepaid account with the amount of your choice, with a minimum of €10.
This credit can be used at any time, with no use-by date limit.

To create your prepaid account, contact us on +33 1 39 28 19 90.

You have a Crossing subscription or a Lighthouse subscription? Then you have unlimited access to forecasts by phone for the duration of your subscription.

How do I credit my prepaid account?

You can credit your account direct by phone on +33 1 77 86 86 86 - make sure you have your access codes - or by contacting our helpdesk on +33 1 39 28 19 90.

Combien coûtent les prévisions par téléphone ?

Le coût des prévisions est décompté à la minute, et débité du compte prépayé selon les tarifs suivants :
0,30€/min pour un spot, un port ou une zone côtière française
1€/min pour une zone côtière étrangère
2€/min pour une zone Large

* +33 1 77 86 86 86: short number of forecasts for France accessible from France - €2.99 per call** 0899 70 12 34: number of forecasts for France and the World accessible from France - €2.99 per call