METEO CONSULT marine subscriptions

Whether you’re an occasional or regular leisure sailor, or a professional involved in activities at sea, here, in our full subscriptions, you'll find the solution to meet your forecasting needs. For synthetic bulletins, printable versions and ad-free browsing, go for the Buoy subscription. If you need to consult the Offshore and Open Sea areas, and briefings with a forecasting expert, choose the Lighthouse subscription instead.

For any specific need, feel free to contact us on +33 1 39 28 19 90.

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Ultra-detailed 15-day forecasts
Detailed bulletin hour by hour from D0 to D7 then in 3-hour increments from D8 to D15
Synthetic bulletin per quarter day, matched to maps
Model comparator
PRO parameters Wind direction and speed at altitude (20m and 50m), cloud cover (high, medium and low altitude), rain accumulation...
Forecasts introduced by a forecaster
Satellite images and radar returns
Coastal areas forecast
Offshore zone forecasts
Open Sea zone forecasts
Personalised bulletin
View bulletins in GRAPHS or TABLES mode
Weather by email
Meteomail To find daily weather forecasts in your mailbox
Email alert find out more
Briefing with a forecaster
Telephone consultation (included depending on the type and duration of the subscription chosen) find out more
Printable PDF bulletins
Detailed PDF bulletin
PRO bulletin (Seafax) find out more
Météo Marine app
Access all the features of the Météo Marine app from METEO CONSULT Available on iOS and Android
Smooth browsing
Smart advertising (1 advertising space reserved exclusively for operators in your region) or zero advertising
Need help? Contact our commercial department on +33 1 39 28 19 90 from 8.00am to 6.00pm during the week, and from 8.00am to 12.00pm at weekends, including Sundays and Bank holidays in season.
* +33 1 77 86 86 86: short number of forecasts for France accessible from France - €2.99 per call** 0899 70 12 34: number of forecasts for France and the World accessible from France - €2.99 per call