Pro marine services

Our PRO Marine services offer support and assistance for your offshore trips and transport operations. These services include:

  • Weather surveillance 24 hours a day, with processing of all information relating to the zone

  • Understanding and explaining the situation up to 4 days ahead, with comments on the reliability of developments forecast and quantifications in increments of 6 hours a day

  • A phone MARINE BRIEFING during the day

  • Updating forecasts in the event of rapid weather changes.

Are you interested in the personalised services?
Contact our advisers on +33 1 39 28 00 28 or by email with all your questions.

We offer 3 types of PRO marine services :

site site
Forecast SITE
Who’s it for?
Offshore sites mainly.

What’s specific about it?
The forecast is created specially for the site. > See an example

direct route direct route
Who’s it for?
Any towing or ferrying operation on direct routes.

What’s specific about it?
The forecast is put together based on the vessel's progress.

optimal route optimal route
Who’s it for?
Any vessel looking for the best option in terms of economy or speed, such as freight transport or ocean racing.

What’s specific about it?
The forecast is drawn up on all possible routes to find the optimal route.

Need help? Contact our commercial department on +33 1 39 28 19 90 from 8.00am to 6.00pm during the week, and from 8.00am to 12.00pm at weekends, including Sundays and Bank holidays in season.
* +33 1 77 86 86 86: short number of forecasts for France accessible from France - €2.99 per call** 0899 70 12 34: number of forecasts for France and the World accessible from France - €2.99 per call